Friday, May 15, 2020

Cost and value

Do you know people who know the price of everything but the value of nothing!!
I do  :0)

A £200 bottle of wine costs almost exactly as much to make as a£35 bottle of wine.
The cost of something is largely irrelevant, people are paying attention to its value.
Your customers don’t care what it took for you to make something. 
They care about what it does for them.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

PLR....Private Label Rights

Just testing out some PLR ?
How's the quality ?
                                                      The all important Optin-Page

How many people running an Online business have an 'Opt In Page?
What is the purpose of the opt-in page ?
If your not using one you are missing out on the biggest piece of the cake ££££
Where can I get one of these ?
How much does it cost ?

I will be putting a guide together to Help people build their own and show you how and why it's one of the most important parts of your on-line business.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The 7 Main Problems In Life

Interesting, The seven main areas of life where people encounter problems ?

As an Affiliate Marketer, problems = solutions = profit

What order would you put them in ?

1. Social.....the young teenagers trying to find where they fit in
2. Vocational.....What am I going to do with my life, not a great age to be deciding your path at 14-16
3. and relationships next, hmmmm good luck with that one
4. Mental.....Men and women often start have these issues
5. Physical....The older we get the harder it is to stay fit, why does everything go south  :0)
6. Financial....Unfortunately we are not taught much about this at school, is it too late to start      thinking about it in your fifties ?
7. Spiritual....Amazing how many people find their faith late on in life.

What order would you put them in ?